Hey single friends, hey single mothers, hey single ladies….. find yourself a man like Kristoff. That’s right, you are reading correct. I am telling you to find a man like the fictional Disney character from a children’s movie.

STOP READING NOW… if you haven’t seen Frozen II. SPOILER ALERT!!!

Find a Man Like Kristoff

So to all my friends that are out there looking for love… find yourself a man like Kristoff. Hands down my most favorite moment of Frozen II had nothing to do with the Ice Queen or the adorable Princess Anna. It had little to do with the main story line and wasn’t even an intended pivotal moment in the movie. My favorite part of Frozen II was when Kristoff responded to Anna’s apology with these words “It’s okay, my love is not fragile” **insert mic drop**

Like seriously…. Did he just say that?

For anyone who has been married or in a committed healthy relationship for an extended period of time knows that love, it is not fragile. If a love is fragile, it will not last. Life and love do not come with a massive handle with care sticker. Love isn’t meant to be like fine china stored away in a fancy cabinet only to be used once a year on the holidays. Instead, Love is more like the dishwasher-safe cornel brand dish that can be dropped by your toddler and not shatter. It’s more like the Tupperware brand that can be heated, washed and still survive years of potlucks and church feasts.


Love that is true is not fragile. It’s mess, it’s hard, and it is certainly not something to be tip-toed around. While I’ve only been married for 10 years, there is one thing I can speak up with certainty, and it is that love isn’t meant to be delicate or fragile.

Find a Man Like Kristoff

So ladies… if you find yourself looking for a man or for someone to love, please find yourself a man like Kristoff. Someone that will allow you to pursue your passion, someone that is okay with taking a back seat for a moment while you figure out your life, someone that is willing to swoop you up from dangerous rock giant and say things like “I am here, what do you need from me?” Find a man that will love you with a love that isn’t circumstantial, conditional and certainly not fragile. Find yourself a Kristoff.

Bonus points if he is willing to sing an 80’s ballad about his emotions.

For more information on love check out 1 Corinthians 13.